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  • Charmaine Sheen

Dry July, all it takes is a little tenacity.

So, Dry July is actually a non-profit organisation that challenges people to abstain from drinking alcohol during July in support of people who have cancer. If you know me, then you know this is right up my alley – 31 days of self-care paired with cancer awareness.

Roll on the 1st of July!

I consider myself a social drinker, and even then generally only over the weekend. The first week went well, I managed to resist the temptation to join friends with a glass of wine when out for lunch.

I’m pretty strict when I set my mind on something, but by day 21, negotiations were going on in my subconscious brain. Half of me wanted to push on, the other half was whispering “one drink won’t hurt”. I got through these moments (surfed the wave), and tenacious me stuck it out.

At the end of the 31 days, I’ve felt motivated, had more energy and was more focused at work. I even lost a couple of kilograms. Bonus.

We’re now rolling into August, and I haven’t rushed to have a drink. Lifestyle change on the cards? Watch this space.

dry july reality wellness

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