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Be Kind to Yourself

Charmaine Sheen

A new year, a new you! We all know the promises we make to ourselves at the beginning of a new year… 2017 is the year I will lose weight, find a new job, get out of debt. These resolutions are familiar to all of us, and I truly believe that we mean to make such changes – but life gets the best of us, and we ramble through another 12 months without fulfilling these commitments to ourselves.

Why? Because we have a habit of putting everything other than ourselves first.

Wellness is an integral part of our lives, it encompasses all that we do. If we looked after ourselves better, we’d actually be able to give so much more to the people and things that are important to us. You aren’t being selfish when you put yourself first! In fact you’ll be healthier, more energised, less stressed and HAPPIER!

I’m not setting new years resolutions this January. Instead I’m challenging us all to BE KIND TO OURSELVES! If that means cutting back on alcohol, getting to gym a couple of times a week, reading a book or getting more sleep – then so be it!

This challenge excites me, so much so that I’ve decided to make it Reality Wellness Group’s theme for 2017. In the forthcoming months I’ll discuss various topics and steps you can take in your quest to be kind to yourself.

I’m excited to take this journey with you, and I look forward to sharing my ups and downs. Let’s encourage one another and celebrate each small step of kindness we take!

I wish you all the best for year ahead, may it be full of blessings.

Credit: Shutterstock

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